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Praise n Preach 2022

It's a fun and productive time of fellowship for all of us! Please use the button to the left to make your payment of either a 50% deposit, or the paid-in-full cost the room. 


Friday, March 25 2022 

Saturday, March 26 2022 

Sunday, March 27, 2022 



Eden Resort and Suites 

222 Eden Road 

Lancaster. PA17601 



$250, Double Occupancy 

$420  Single Occunancy 

Includes: room for 2 nights, banquet and cost share –meeting rooms, supplies, taxes, etc. All meals other than banquet are individual’s responsibility. 



Must provide the hotel with final count and list by mid-January. Those who will attend must confirm by January 8, 2022.


Attendees must specify Room Preference: Double Occupancy / Single Occupancy at time of confirmation, and provide a non-refundable deposit. 



50% by January 8 

50% by March 2 


All deposits and monies are payable to Institute for Spiritual Development, Washington, D.C.  



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