Sat, Oct 26
|Via Zoom
To Know You Is To Love You with Lorraine Johnson
Self-love is what enables self-care, but what enables self-love? In this interactive class, we’ll be doing fun, experiential, and thought-provoking exercises as we explore the basic tenets of self-knowledge.
When and Where
Oct 26, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Via Zoom
Taught with Lorraine Johnson, CEG, CUG – Life and Personal Development Coach
o Date(s): Saturdays, October 5, 12, 19, 26, 2024
o Time: 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Self-love is what enables self-care, but what enables self-love? In this
interactive class, we’ll be doing fun, experiential, and thought-provoking
exercises as we explore the basic tenets of self-knowledge.
By helping you become intimately familiar with and aware of the most
important person you’ll meet (YOU), these tools will help you to ensure that
you get your needs met, make clear decisions, and erect and maintain
effective boundaries. You’ll learn how to access this self-knowledge as you
grow, evolve, change, and age. These are things we were never taught in